Only done 42,359 miles.
Service book, Hand book, tools, quality car cover and smart charger.
Roadworthy certificate
“1969 Ch. SRH5582, Eng. 5582. Standard steel saloon. Masons black with
scarlet fine line and scarlet upholstery. For use in Jersey, delivered
through St. Helier garages Ltd. for Mr. M.S. Parsons January 1969. The car
shipped to South Africa soon after delivery. In 1972 it was taken to Maxwell
Campbell Ltd. in Durban. Acquired in 1988 by Peter D. Houston of Merryvale
(later Hilton Kwa-Zulu Natal), from Mrs. Parsons, 18,000miles when acquired.
Sold to Ricky Cooper of Knysna. Noted for sale again in 2013. Reg. No.’s: